Top Value Shade Sails Gold Coast

swimming pool shade sails gold coast

Swimming Pool Shade Sails, Gold Coast – Sea World

Master Gold Coast Shade Sail Builder Tony Chard installed these stylish swimming pool shade sails over the pool area at Sea World, a major Theme Park on Australia’s Gold Coast.  They provide stylish and valuable UV protection for swimmers and pool users in general.

Protecting skin from the sun during childhood and adolescence is important in reducing cancer risk later in life.

Swimming Pool Shade Sails Gold Coast - Sea World

Ultraviolet UV rays reflect off water and also reach below the water surface; not only will these pool shade sails protect Sea World’s clients from getting skin cancer, they may also help protect from litigation in the future.

Notice how the pool shade sail blends into the Sea World environment – make sure your pool shade sail design harmonizes with the area you want it in.  Also consider where you sit or lie around the pool, and make sure the design covers that area too.

Providing a swimming pool shade sail also means you get to use your pool for much longer; a shade sail adds value to your pool.  Another great use for swimming pool shade sails is to cover outdoor spas, allowing you to relax in comfort without roasting.

So, whether you have a backyard pool, an Aquatic Centre or a major Theme Park,  contact Tony or his wife/office manager Sharon by phone on (07) 5530 5596 or by Mobile on 0417 144 582.  The email for Sailworx is

Tony’s BSA Licence Number is 708488, assuring you of quality  Swimming Pool Shade Sails on the Gold Coast and ensuring all Council and Building Regulations are complied with.